Chloe Espadrille Wedges Outfits | Wedges outfit, Espadrille wedges .

Outfits With Espadrilles

How to wear espadrilles. Tired of uncomfortable shoes? Do you want something different and easy to wear? Espadrilles are the solution to all your problems! Espadrilles are light, flat and sometimes high-heeled shoes that are only worn barefoot and are very comfortable.

They are perfect for long walks and not only can they be worn casually, but are also wearable for semi-formal and formal events due to the different styles of espadrilles. Other pluses are that they are fashionable these days, look great, and can be worn all year round.

Before learning how to properly style your espadrilles, it is important to know what espadrilles actually are and why you need to buy them. They are shoes of European origin and are characterized by their sole, which is usually made of organic materials such as jute fiber. They can be both hand-made and machine-made, although hand-made is of course more expensive.

Go ahead, why you need to buy them.

  • First, they are environmentally friendly. So if you are a green shopper, this is a must have as part of your wardrobe. Even if you don’t always prefer to buy eco-friendly products, give them a try as the fashion industry causes huge pollution, greenhouse effects and the depletion of the ozone layer. Hence, every purchase you make matters.
  • Second, and perhaps more importantly, they’re super comfortable. Investing in the right pair will make you forget about your sneakers or flip flops due to the level of comfort that espadrilles offer. That’s why they’re incredibly popular with busy mothers and professional women who are always on the go. Especially when you experience hot and humid summers, espadrilles offer you the comfort you want and ensure that your feet are well ventilated.
  • Third, espadrilles are the new trend as even the hottest celebrities and fashion bloggers are wearing them everywhere. Fashion designers like Valentino and renowned brands like Gucci have now developed hot and trendy espadrille designs so you can find them in a wide range of colors, styles and prices to suit your needs. They’re also the perfect street style accessory for girls and women of all ages.
  • As mentioned above, they come in a variety of styles, which is hardly ever the case with shoes. If you love heels, you can go for wedge espadrilles. If you prefer flat and comfortable shoes with an edge, choose embroidered or patterned slip-on espadrilles. And if you like to wear gladiator or lace-up shoes, you will also find a large selection of espadrilles with ankle wraps and laces! So this is the only trend with a number of different styles so there is something for everyone.

Read on to see how some of the most stylish celebrities have recently rocked espadrilles on a variety of occasions, including red carpet events and honeymoon destinations!

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